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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

UAE weather: Rain expected on Saturday morning

Wind and rain are set to sweep across the UAE this weekend, with coastal areas and the Northern Emirates most likely to experience showers on Saturday.
Temperatures will fall to about 21°C on Saturday morning, before the wet weather arrives.
Winds could reach 45kph, leading to rough conditions at sea, with clouds forming over the Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea.
Rain could drift into Dubai early on Saturday and clear by the afternoon, weather website Windy said. There will also be wet weather in parts of Abu Dhabi in the morning, with a chance of showers during the Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix.
Rain is also expected along the east coast, with showers expected midafternoon before clearing.
Temperatures on Saturday will reach a high of 29°C.
It will be humid overnight on Saturday, leading to a misty start on Sunday with fog patches inland.
Sunday promises to be a brighter day, with a daytime peak temperature of 30°C.
